10 Power Habits Of People Who Love Themselves

Love Yourself

People who learn to truly love themselves radiate positivity and light. If you want to turn your bad, drab habits into positive power habits, you can begin the process of really loving yourself. Learning to love yourself and changing your habits can take time and lots of effort, but with some baby steps, you can begin to develop the power habits of people who love themselves.


They Know How To Say No And Respect Their Limits

 Learning to say no is a big power habit for people who love themselves. They know the importance of understanding their limits, listening to their bodies, and knowing that it’s okay to say “no” sometimes. Constantly saying yes to people seems like the natural right thing to do–we all want to be helpful–but constantly saying yes means you’re always burning energy doing things for others. Loving yourself means setting limits and knowing when to say no!

They Listen To The Needs Of Their Bodies

Did you know your body talks to you? Listening to your body when it “speaks up” is a power habit of people who love themselves. For example, if you’re feeling pain, listen to your body and take a break. If you push your body to continue when you’re getting pain signals, you aren’t listening to your body and potentially putting yourself in harm’s way.

They Take Care Of Their Bodies By Choosing Healthy Habits

 People who love themselves take good care of their bodies. One good habit to develop is to keep a snack and some fresh water on hand. When you have these items readily available, you won’t have to “go hungry or thirsty” until you get a chance to eat or drink again.

They Choose Positivity Over Negativity

 It’s easy to develop a habit of hanging with negative naysayers–if you like to gossip in the office lounge or hang out with your old (but very whiny) friend, you may have a bad habit that needs breaking. Instead of gravitating toward people who will increase the negativity in your life, choose more positive-minded people instead.

They Find A Way To Move Each Day

 Exercise is another major power habit of people who love themselves. A little exercise each day is good for the mind, body, and soul. Spend some time moving your body in a way you really enjoy each day. Your exercise habit doesn’t need to be crazy-athletic; you can move your body by spending time playing outside with your kids or going on a daily walk.

They Schedule Some “Me” Time

 Spreading yourself too thin for other people is a damaging bad habit. A good power habit to replace this with involves scheduling time for yourself! Find some time each day to do something you enjoy or even just spend some time alone. Taking time to recharge by yourself is an excellent way to heal from the day’s worries and struggles.

The Majority Of Their Meals Is Whole And Nutritious Foods

 Another strong power habit is fuelling your body in a fulfilling and healthy way. Yes, junk food can make us feel better (and it’s fine to have some in moderation from time to time), but healthy food choices sustain us much longer. Show yourself some love by filling your plate with a variety of healthy, fresh foods.

They Turn Off Their Cell Phone Alerts Regularly

 Loving yourself sometimes means separating yourself from others (see above: scheduling me time). A good power habit to develop is turning off your cell phone alerts after a certain point in the day. Rather than worrying about emails from work or messages from people who need things from you, allow yourself to separate from those responsibilities for a while to unwind.

They Are Comfortable With Asking For Help

 Many people are fiercely independent–this is a good thing! However, people who love themselves recognize that there are times when they need to ask someone else for help. This power habit doesn’t make you weak; instead, it means you’re strong enough to work together with someone else to solve a problem!

 They Set Limits And Personal Boundaries That Protect Themselves

 This power habit is a great way to show yourself some love. Setting limits doesn’t mean you’re turning someone down, being mean to them, or disappointing them–it means you’re respecting your personal boundaries and being up-front about how you feel. Don’t stretch yourself too thin. Instead, make others aware of your limits.


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About the Author: James Gibbard

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